CasIBinaryStream | A binary stream interface |
CasIJITCompiler | The interface that AS use to interact with the JIT compiler |
CasILockableSharedBool | A lockable shared boolean |
CasIScriptContext | The interface to the virtual machine |
CasIScriptEngine | The engine interface |
CasIScriptFunction | The interface for a script function description |
CasIScriptGeneric | The interface for the generic calling convention |
CasIScriptModule | The interface to the script modules |
CasIScriptObject | The interface for an instance of a script object |
CasIStringFactory | The interface for the string factory |
CasIThreadManager | The interface for the thread manager |
CasITypeInfo | The interface for describing types This interface is used to describe the types in the script engine |
CasSBCInfo | Information on a bytecode instruction |
CasSFuncPtr | Represents a function or method pointer |
CasSMessageInfo | Represents a compiler message |
CasSVMRegisters | A struct with registers from the VM sent to a JIT compiled function |