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The syntax for using strings may differ for the application you're working with so consult the application's manual for more details.</dd></dl> <dl class="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><a class="el" href="doc_datatypes_strings.html">Strings</a> for information on syntax for string literals</dd></dl> <h1><a class="anchor" id="doc_datatypes_strings_addon"></a> Supporting string object and functions</h1> <p>The string object supports a number of operators, and has several class methods and supporting global functions to facilitate the manipulation of strings.</p> <h2><a class="anchor" id="doc_datatypes_strings_addon_ops"></a> Operators</h2> <p><b>= assignment</b><br /> </p> <p>The assignment operator copies the content of the right hand string into the left hand string.</p> <p>Assignment of primitive types is allowed, which will do a default transformation of the primitive to a string.</p> <p><b>+, += concatenation</b><br /> </p> <p>The concatenation operator appends the content of the right hand string to the end of the left hand string.</p> <p>Concatenation of primitives types is allowed, which will do a default transformation of the primitive to a string.</p> <p><b>==, != equality</b><br /> </p> <p>Compares the content of the two strings.</p> <p><b><, >, <=, >= comparison</b><br /> </p> <p>Compares the content of the two strings. The comparison is done on the byte values in the strings, which may not correspond to alphabetical comparisons for some languages.</p> <p><b>[] index operator</b><br /> </p> <p>The index operator gives access to a single byte in the string.</p> <h2><a class="anchor" id="doc_datatypes_strings_addon_mthd"></a> Methods</h2> <p><b>uint length() const</b><br /> </p> <p>Returns the length of the string.</p> <p><b>void resize(uint)</b><br /> </p> <p>Sets the length of the string.</p> <p><b>bool isEmpty() const</b><br /> </p> <p>Returns true if the string is empty, i.e. the length is zero.</p> <p><b>string substr(uint start = 0, int count = -1) const</b><br /> </p> <p>Returns a string with the content starting at <em>start</em> and the number of bytes given by count. The default arguments will return the whole string as the new string.</p> <p><b>void insert(uint pos, const string &in other)</b><br /> </p> <p>Inserts another string <em>other</em> at position <em>pos</em> in the original string.</p> <p><b>void erase(uint pos, int count = -1)</b><br /> </p> <p>Erases a range of characters from the string, starting at position <em>pos</em> and counting <em>count</em> characters.</p> <p><b>int findFirst(const string &in str, uint start = 0) const</b><br /> </p> <p>Find the first occurrence of the value <em>str</em> in the string, starting at <em>start</em>. If no occurrence is found a negative value will be returned.</p> <p><b>int findLast(const string &in str, int start = -1) const</b><br /> </p> <p>Find the last occurrence of the value <em>str</em> in the string. If <em>start</em> is informed the search will begin at that position, i.e. any potential occurrence after that position will not be searched. If no occurrence is found a negative value will be returned.</p> <p><b>int findFirstOf(const string &in chars, int start = 0) const</b><br /> <b>int findFirstNotOf(const string &in chars, int start = 0) const</b><br /> <b>int findLastOf(const string &in chars, int start = -1) const</b><br /> <b>int findLastNotOf(const string &in chars, int start = -1) const</b><br /> </p> <p>The first variant finds the first character in the string that matches on of the characters in <em>chars</em>, starting at <em>start</em>. If no occurrence is found a negative value will be returned.</p> <p>The second variant finds the first character that doesn't match any of those in <em>chars</em>. The third and last variant are the same except they start the search from the end of the string.</p> <dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>These functions work on the individual bytes in the strings. They do not attempt to understand encoded characters, e.g. UTF-8 encoded characters that can take up to 4 bytes.</dd></dl> <p><b>array<string>@ split(const string &in delimiter) const</b><br /> </p> <p>Splits the string in smaller strings where the delimiter is found.</p> <h2><a class="anchor" id="doc_datatypes_strings_addon_funcs"></a> Functions</h2> <p><b>string join(const array<string> &in arr, const string &in delimiter)</b><br /> </p> <p>Concatenates the strings in the array into a large string, separated by the delimiter.</p> <p><b>int64 parseInt(const string &in str, uint base = 10, uint &out byteCount = 0)</b><br /> <b>uint64 parseUInt(const string &in str, uint base = 10, uint &out byteCount = 0)</b><br /> </p> <p>Parses the string for an integer value. The <em>base</em> can be 10 or 16 to support decimal numbers or hexadecimal numbers. If <em>byteCount</em> is provided it will be set to the number of bytes that were considered as part of the integer value.</p> <p><b>double parseFloat(const string &in, uint &out byteCount = 0)</b><br /> </p> <p>Parses the string for a floating point value. If <em>byteCount</em> is provided it will be set to the number of bytes that were considered as part of the value.</p> <p><b>string formatInt(int64 val, const string &in options = '', uint width = 0)</b><br /> <b>string formatUInt(uint64 val, const string &in options = '', uint width = 0)</b><br /> <b>string formatFloat(double val, const string &in options = '', uint width = 0, uint precision = 0)</b><br /> </p> <p>The format functions takes a string that defines how the number should be formatted. The string is a combination of the following characters:</p> <ul> <li>l = left justify</li> <li>0 = pad with zeroes</li> <li>+ = always include the sign, even if positive</li> <li>space = add a space in case of positive number</li> <li>h = hexadecimal integer small letters (not valid for formatFloat)</li> <li>H = hexadecimal integer capital letters (not valid for formatFloat)</li> <li>e = exponent character with small e (only valid for formatFloat)</li> <li>E = exponent character with capital E (only valid for formatFloat)</li> </ul> <p>Examples:</p> <pre> // Left justify number in string with 10 characters string justified = formatInt(number, 'l', 10);</pre><pre> // Create hexadecimal representation with capital letters, right justified string hex = formatInt(number, 'H', 10);</pre><pre> // Right justified, padded with zeroes and two digits after decimal separator string num = formatFloat(number, '0', 8, 2); </pre> </div></div><!-- contents --> </div><!-- PageDoc --> </div><!-- doc-content --> <!-- start footer part --> <div id="nav-path" class="navpath"><!-- id is needed for treeview function! --> <ul> <li class="footer">Generated on Sat Dec 5 2020 23:20:25 for AngelScript by <a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html"> <img class="footer" src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen"/></a> 1.8.18 </li> </ul> </div> </body> </html>