var main_topics = [ [ "License", "doc_license.html", [ [ "AngelCode Scripting Library", "doc_license.html#doc_lic_1", null ] ] ], [ "Getting started", "doc_start.html", "doc_start" ], [ "Understanding AngelScript", "doc_understanding_as.html", "doc_understanding_as" ], [ "Registering the application interface", "doc_register_api_topic.html", "doc_register_api_topic" ], [ "Compiling scripts", "doc_compile_script.html", [ [ "Message callback", "doc_compile_script.html#doc_compile_script_msg", null ], [ "Loading and compiling scripts", "doc_compile_script.html#doc_compile_script_load", null ] ] ], [ "Calling a script function", "doc_call_script_func.html", [ [ "Preparing context and executing the function", "doc_call_script_func.html#doc_call_script_1", null ], [ "Passing and returning primitives", "doc_call_script_func.html#doc_call_script_2", null ], [ "Passing and returning objects", "doc_call_script_func.html#doc_call_script_3", null ], [ "Exception handling", "doc_call_script_func.html#doc_call_script_4", null ] ] ], [ "Using script classes", "doc_use_script_class.html", [ [ "Instantiating the script class", "doc_use_script_class.html#doc_use_script_class_1", null ], [ "Calling a method on the script class", "doc_use_script_class.html#doc_use_script_class_2", null ], [ "Receiving script classes", "doc_use_script_class.html#doc_use_script_class_3", null ], [ "Returning script classes", "doc_use_script_class.html#doc_use_script_class_4", null ] ] ], [ "Funcdefs and script callback functions", "doc_callbacks.html", [ [ "An example", "doc_callbacks.html#doc_callbacks_example", null ], [ "Delegates", "doc_callbacks.html#doc_callbacks_delegate", null ] ] ], [ "Advanced topics", "doc_advanced.html", "doc_advanced" ], [ "Samples", "doc_samples.html", "doc_samples" ], [ "Add-ons", "doc_addon.html", "doc_addon" ] ];