Shared script entities

If the application uses multiple script modules to control different parts of the application it may sometimes be beneficial to allow parts of the scripts to be shared between the script modules. The main benefits of shared entities is the reduced memory consumption, and the fact that the type of the shared entity is the same for the modules thus simplifying the information exchange between modules where this is used.

Shared entities have a restriction in that they cannot access non-shared entities because the non-shared entities are exclusive to the script module in which they were compiled.

How to declare shared entities

To declare a shared entity simply put the keyword 'shared' before the ordinary declaration, e.g.

  shared class Foo
    void MethodInFoo(int b) { bar = b; }
    int bar;
  shared void GlobalFunc() {}

If the script tries to access any non-shared entity from within the shared entity then the compiler will give an error message.

Obviously, in order to work the scripts in all modules that share the entity must implement the entity the same way. If this is not done, the compiler will give an error in the scripts that are compiled after the first script that implemented the shared entity.

The easiest way to guarantee that the implementation is the same is by using the same source file, but this is not a requirement.

External shared entities

An alternative to declaring the full shared entity in each module is to declared the shared entity that is known to have been compiled before as external. This can shorten the script, both reducing the size of the source code and the time to compile it.

To declare a shared entity as external, simply add the keyword 'external' before the declaration and end the statement with ';' after the signature that uniquely identifies the entity.

  external shared class Foo;
  external shared void GlobalFunc();

When compiling a shared entity declared as external and the shared entity hasn't been compiled in any other module before it, the compiler will give an error message.

What can be shared

Currently only the class, interface, function, enum, and funcdefs entities can be shared.

Future versions may allow global variables to be shared too.