If you want to override /usr/local as the default prefix (which means /usr/local/include would have the header file and /usr/local/lib would have the library files), then run make, make install and make uninstall (to build, to install and uninstall respectively - you need it for all three as I explain below) : make PREFIX=/tmp make PREFIX=/tmp install make PREFIX=/tmp uninstall The last two will of course have to be done as root if you need permissions to write to the directory (for /tmp you wouldn't unless the files already existed by someone else and you didn't have permission). In any case, the above would install header file under '/tmp/include' and the library file(s) under '/tmp/lib'. If you want to know the technical details as to why you have to (when overriding the install location) specify PREFIX= even when building, see the FAQ file (summary: it makes it easier for you when linking in the shared library). A word of caution to those overriding prefix : -- You are more than welcome to disregard this but I feel it is something I should bring up. If you do override the prefix I strongly recommend you do not specify '/usr'. Why one might ask. The typical way is that user-compiled programs/libraries/etc. go under '/usr/local' (other times '/opt'). This has multiple benefits: you keep '/usr' clean and if you have a package manager then it makes it easy to say: "The only files under /usr/include and /usr/lib are those that belong to a package." In other words it is easier to maintain integrity and verify everything. Most important of it all (aside the security implications) is this: You have less chance of name clashes. If there ever is a package that installs to /usr and it includes the files (maybe a package for AngelScript) then you will have issues. -- Lastly: I don't have a way to test the phone builds so I cannot verify the build process (it really depends on the environment and architecture, like most things); I'm an old-timer that hates the "smart" trend (besides: it is a horrible misuse of the world 'smart'). CONTACT: If you have any questions or concerns, by all means have Andreas contact me (at this time I don't have an email I feel okay sharing - if it seems this is of use to others I will likely create an email on my server for this very purpose). For now Andreas can forward the message to me.