Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CasIBinaryStreamA binary stream interface
 CasIJITCompilerThe interface that AS use to interact with the JIT compiler
 CasILockableSharedBoolA lockable shared boolean
 CasIScriptContextThe interface to the virtual machine
 CasIScriptEngineThe engine interface
 CasIScriptFunctionThe interface for a script function description
 CasIScriptGenericThe interface for the generic calling convention
 CasIScriptModuleThe interface to the script modules
 CasIScriptObjectThe interface for an instance of a script object
 CasIStringFactoryThe interface for the string factory
 CasIThreadManagerThe interface for the thread manager
 CasITypeInfoThe interface for describing types This interface is used to describe the types in the script engine
 CasSBCInfoInformation on a bytecode instruction
 CasSFuncPtrRepresents a function or method pointer
 CasSMessageInfoRepresents a compiler message
 CasSVMRegistersA struct with registers from the VM sent to a JIT compiled function