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<div class="title">Function handles </div> </div>
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<div class="textblock"><p>A function handle is a data type that can be dynamically set to point to a global function that has a matching function signature as that defined by the variable declaration. Function handles are commonly used for callbacks, i.e. where a piece of code must be able to call back to some code based on some conditions, but the code that needs to be called is not known at compile time.</p>
<p>To use function handles it is first necessary to <a class="el" href="doc_global_funcdef.html">define the function signature</a> that will be used at the global scope or as a member of a class. Once that is done the variables can be declared using that definition.</p>
<p>Here's an example that shows the syntax for using function handles</p>
// Define a function signature for the function handle
funcdef bool CALLBACK(int, int);</pre><pre> // An example function that shows how to use this
void main()
// Declare a function handle, and set it
// to point to the myCompare function.
CALLBACK @func = @myCompare;</pre><pre> // The function handle can be compared with the 'is' operator
if( func is null )
print("The function handle is null\n");
}</pre><pre> // Call the function through the handle, just as if it was a normal function
if( func(1, 2) )
print("The function returned true\n");
print("The function returned false\n");
}</pre><pre> // This function matches the CALLBACK definition, since it has
// the same return type and parameter types.
bool myCompare(int a, int b)
return a &gt; b;
</pre><h1><a class="anchor" id="doc_datatypes_delegate"></a>
<p>It is also possible to take function handles to class methods, but in this case the class method must be bound to the object instance that will be used for the call. To do this binding is called creating a delegate, and is done by performing a construct call for the declared function definition passing the class method as the argument.</p>
class A
bool Cmp(int a, int b)
return a &gt; b;
int count = 0;
}</pre><pre> void main()
A a;</pre><pre> // Create the delegate for the A::Cmp class method
CALLBACK @func = CALLBACK(a.Cmp);</pre><pre> // Call the delegate normally as if it was a global function
if( func(1,2) )
print("The function returned true\n");
print("The function returned false\n");
}</pre><pre> printf("The number of comparisons performed is "+a.count+"\n");
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