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2021-04-12 18:25:02 +00:00
#include <iostream> // cout
#include <assert.h> // assert()
#include <string.h> // strstr()
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h> // system()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <direct.h> // _chdir()
#include <sstream> // stringstream
#include <angelscript.h>
#include "../../../add_on/scriptbuilder/scriptbuilder.h"
#include "../../../add_on/scriptstdstring/scriptstdstring.h"
#include "../../../add_on/scriptarray/scriptarray.h"
#include "../../../add_on/scriptdictionary/scriptdictionary.h"
#include "../../../add_on/scriptfile/scriptfile.h"
#include "../../../add_on/scriptfile/scriptfilesystem.h"
#include "../../../add_on/scripthelper/scripthelper.h"
#include "../../../add_on/debugger/debugger.h"
#include "../../../add_on/contextmgr/contextmgr.h"
#include "../../../add_on/datetime/datetime.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h> // WriteConsoleW
#include <TlHelp32.h> // CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, Process32Next
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <crtdbg.h> // MSVC debugging routines
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
int ConfigureEngine(asIScriptEngine *engine);
void InitializeDebugger(asIScriptEngine *engine);
int CompileScript(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *scriptFile);
int ExecuteScript(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *scriptFile);
void MessageCallback(const asSMessageInfo *msg, void *param);
asIScriptContext *RequestContextCallback(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *param);
void ReturnContextCallback(asIScriptEngine *engine, asIScriptContext *ctx, void *param);
void PrintString(const string &str);
string GetInput();
int ExecSystemCmd(const string &cmd);
int ExecSystemCmd(const string &str, string &out);
CScriptArray *GetCommandLineArgs();
void SetWorkDir(const string &file);
void WaitForUser();
int PragmaCallback(const string &pragmaText, CScriptBuilder &builder, void *userParam);
// The command line arguments
CScriptArray *g_commandLineArgs = 0;
int g_argc = 0;
char **g_argv = 0;
// The context manager is used to manage the execution of co-routines
CContextMgr *g_ctxMgr = 0;
// The debugger is used to debug the script
bool g_doDebug = false;
CDebugger *g_dbg = 0;
// Context pool
vector<asIScriptContext*> g_ctxPool;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// Tell MSVC to report any memory leaks
// Use _CrtSetBreakAlloc(n) to find a specific memory leak
#if defined(_WIN32)
// Turn on support for virtual terminal sequences to add support for colored text in the console
// Ref:
// Ref:
return -1;
DWORD dwMode = 0;
if (!GetConsoleMode(hOut, &dwMode))
return -1;
if (!SetConsoleMode(hOut, dwMode))
return -1;
int r;
// Validate the command line arguments
bool argsValid = true;
if( argc < 2 )
argsValid = false;
else if( argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0 )
argsValid = false;
if( !argsValid )
cout << "AngelScript command line runner. Version " << ANGELSCRIPT_VERSION_STRING << endl << endl;
cout << "Usage: " << endl;
cout << "asrun [-d] <script file> [<args>]" << endl;
cout << " -d inform if the script should be runned with debug" << endl;
cout << " <script file> is the script file that should be runned" << endl;
cout << " <args> zero or more args for the script" << endl;
return -1;
// Create the script engine
asIScriptEngine *engine = asCreateScriptEngine();
if( engine == 0 )
cout << "Failed to create script engine." << endl;
return -1;
// Configure the script engine with all the functions,
// and variables that the script should be able to use.
r = ConfigureEngine(engine);
if( r < 0 ) return -1;
// Check if the script is to be debugged
if( strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0 )
g_doDebug = true;
// Store the command line arguments for the script
int scriptArg = g_doDebug ? 2 : 1;
g_argc = argc - (scriptArg + 1);
g_argv = argv + (scriptArg + 1);
// Set the current work dir according to the script's location
// Compile the script code
r = CompileScript(engine, argv[scriptArg]);
if (r < 0)
return -1;
// Execute the script
r = ExecuteScript(engine, argv[scriptArg]);
// Shut down the engine
if( g_commandLineArgs )
if (r < 0)
return r;
// This message callback is used by the engine to send compiler messages
void MessageCallback(const asSMessageInfo *msg, void *param)
const char *type = "ERR ";
if( msg->type == asMSGTYPE_WARNING )
type = "WARN";
else if( msg->type == asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION )
type = "INFO";
printf("%s (%d, %d) : %s : %s\n", msg->section, msg->row, msg->col, type, msg->message);
// This function will register the application interface
int ConfigureEngine(asIScriptEngine *engine)
int r;
// The script compiler will send any compiler messages to the callback
r = engine->SetMessageCallback(asFUNCTION(MessageCallback), 0, asCALL_CDECL); assert( r >= 0 );
// Register the standard add-ons that we'll allow the scripts to use
RegisterScriptArray(engine, false);
// Register a couple of extra functions for the scripts
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void print(const string &in)", asFUNCTION(PrintString), asCALL_CDECL); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("string getInput()", asFUNCTION(GetInput), asCALL_CDECL); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("array<string> @getCommandLineArgs()", asFUNCTION(GetCommandLineArgs), asCALL_CDECL); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("int exec(const string &in)", asFUNCTIONPR(ExecSystemCmd, (const string &), int), asCALL_CDECL); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("int exec(const string &in, string &out)", asFUNCTIONPR(ExecSystemCmd, (const string &, string &), int), asCALL_CDECL); assert( r >= 0 );
// Setup the context manager and register the support for co-routines
g_ctxMgr = new CContextMgr();
// Tell the engine to use our context pool. This will also
// allow us to debug internal script calls made by the engine
r = engine->SetContextCallbacks(RequestContextCallback, ReturnContextCallback, 0); assert( r >= 0 );
// TODO: There should be an option of outputting the engine
// configuration for use with the offline compiler asbuild.
// It should then be possible to execute pre-compiled bytecode.
return 0;
// This is the to-string callback for the string type
std::string StringToString(void *obj, int /* expandMembers */, CDebugger * /* dbg */)
// We know the received object is a string
std::string *val = reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(obj);
// Format the output string
// TODO: Should convert non-readable characters to escape sequences
std::stringstream s;
s << "(len=" << val->length() << ") \"";
if( val->length() < 20 )
s << *val << "\"";
s << val->substr(0, 20) << "...";
return s.str();
// This is the to-string callback for the array type
// This is generic and will take care of all template instances based on the array template
std::string ArrayToString(void *obj, int expandMembers, CDebugger *dbg)
CScriptArray *arr = reinterpret_cast<CScriptArray*>(obj);
std::stringstream s;
s << "(len=" << arr->GetSize() << ")";
if( expandMembers > 0 )
s << " [";
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arr->GetSize(); n++ )
s << dbg->ToString(arr->At(n), arr->GetElementTypeId(), expandMembers - 1, arr->GetArrayObjectType()->GetEngine());
if( n < arr->GetSize()-1 )
s << ", ";
s << "]";
return s.str();
// This is the to-string callback for the dictionary type
std::string DictionaryToString(void *obj, int expandMembers, CDebugger *dbg)
CScriptDictionary *dic = reinterpret_cast<CScriptDictionary*>(obj);
std::stringstream s;
s << "(len=" << dic->GetSize() << ")";
if( expandMembers > 0 )
s << " [";
asUINT n = 0;
for( CScriptDictionary::CIterator it = dic->begin(); it != dic->end(); it++, n++ )
s << "[" << it.GetKey() << "] = ";
// Get the type and address of the value
const void *val = it.GetAddressOfValue();
int typeId = it.GetTypeId();
// Use the engine from the currently active context (if none is active, the debugger
// will use the engine held inside it by default, but in an environment where there
// multiple engines this might not be the correct instance).
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
s << dbg->ToString(const_cast<void*>(val), typeId, expandMembers - 1, ctx ? ctx->GetEngine() : 0);
if( n < dic->GetSize() - 1 )
s << ", ";
s << "]";
return s.str();
// This is the to-string callback for the dictionary type
std::string DateTimeToString(void *obj, int expandMembers, CDebugger *dbg)
CDateTime *dt = reinterpret_cast<CDateTime*>(obj);
std::stringstream s;
s << "{" << dt->getYear() << "-" << dt->getMonth() << "-" << dt->getDay() << " ";
s << dt->getHour() << ":" << dt->getMinute() << ":" << dt->getSecond() << "}";
return s.str();
// This function initializes the debugger and let's the user set initial break points
void InitializeDebugger(asIScriptEngine *engine)
// Create the debugger instance and store it so the context callback can attach
// it to the scripts contexts that will be used to execute the scripts
g_dbg = new CDebugger();
// Let the debugger hold an engine pointer that can be used by the callbacks
// Register the to-string callbacks so the user can see the contents of strings
g_dbg->RegisterToStringCallback(engine->GetTypeInfoByName("string"), StringToString);
g_dbg->RegisterToStringCallback(engine->GetTypeInfoByName("array"), ArrayToString);
g_dbg->RegisterToStringCallback(engine->GetTypeInfoByName("dictionary"), DictionaryToString);
g_dbg->RegisterToStringCallback(engine->GetTypeInfoByName("datetime"), DateTimeToString);
// Allow the user to initialize the debugging before moving on
cout << "Debugging, waiting for commands. Type 'h' for help." << endl;
// This is where the script is compiled into bytecode that can be executed
int CompileScript(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *scriptFile)
int r;
// We will only initialize the global variables once we're
// ready to execute, so disable the automatic initialization
engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_INIT_GLOBAL_VARS_AFTER_BUILD, false);
CScriptBuilder builder;
// Set the pragma callback so we can detect if the script needs debugging
builder.SetPragmaCallback(PragmaCallback, 0);
// Compile the script
r = builder.StartNewModule(engine, "script");
if( r < 0 ) return -1;
r = builder.AddSectionFromFile(scriptFile);
if( r < 0 ) return -1;
r = builder.BuildModule();
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(scriptFile, 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Script failed to build");
return -1;
return 0;
// Execute the script by calling the main() function
int ExecuteScript(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *scriptFile)
asIScriptModule *mod = engine->GetModule("script", asGM_ONLY_IF_EXISTS);
if( !mod ) return -1;
// Find the main function
asIScriptFunction *func = mod->GetFunctionByDecl("int main()");
if( func == 0 )
// Try again with "void main()"
func = mod->GetFunctionByDecl("void main()");
if( func == 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(scriptFile, 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Cannot find 'int main()' or 'void main()'");
return -1;
// Once we have the main function, we first need to initialize the global variables
// Since we've set up the request context callback we will be able to debug the
// initialization without passing in a pre-created context
int r = mod->ResetGlobalVars(0);
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(scriptFile, 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed while initializing global variables");
return -1;
// Set up a context to execute the script
// The context manager will request the context from the
// pool, which will automatically attach the debugger
asIScriptContext *ctx = g_ctxMgr->AddContext(engine, func, true);
// Execute the script until completion
// The script may create co-routines. These will automatically
// be managed by the context manager
while( g_ctxMgr->ExecuteScripts() );
// Check if the main script finished normally
r = ctx->GetState();
cout << "The script failed with an exception" << endl;
cout << GetExceptionInfo(ctx, true).c_str();
r = -1;
else if( r == asEXECUTION_ABORTED )
cout << "The script was aborted" << endl;
r = -1;
cout << "The script terminated unexpectedly (" << r << ")" << endl;
r = -1;
// Get the return value from the script
if( func->GetReturnTypeId() == asTYPEID_INT32 )
r = *(int*)ctx->GetAddressOfReturnValue();
r = 0;
// Return the context after retrieving the return value
// Destroy the context manager
if( g_ctxMgr )
delete g_ctxMgr;
g_ctxMgr = 0;
// Before leaving, allow the engine to clean up remaining objects by
// discarding the module and doing a full garbage collection so that
// this can also be debugged if desired
// Release all contexts that have been allocated
for( auto ctx : g_ctxPool )
for( size_t n = 0; n < g_ctxPool.size(); n++ )
// Destroy debugger
if( g_dbg )
delete g_dbg;
g_dbg = 0;
return r;
// This little function allows the script to print a string to the screen
void PrintString(const string &str)
#ifdef _WIN32
// Unless the std out has been redirected to file we'll need to allow Windows to convert
// the text to the current locale so that characters will be displayed appropriately.
HANDLE console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
DWORD mode = 0;
if( console != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetConsoleMode(console, &mode) != 0 )
// We're writing to a console window, so convert the UTF8 string to UTF16 and write with
// WriteConsoleW. Windows will then automatically display the characters correctly according
// to the user's settings
// TODO: buffer size needs to be dynamic to handle large strings
// must split the string correctly between UTF8 unicode sequences
wchar_t bufUTF16[100000];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), -1, bufUTF16, 100000);
WriteConsoleW(console, bufUTF16, lstrlenW(bufUTF16), 0, 0);
// We're writing to a file, so just write the bytes as-is without any conversion
cout << str;
cout << str;
// Retrieve a line from stdin
string GetInput()
string line;
getline(cin, line);
return line;
// TODO: Perhaps it might be interesting to implement pipes so that the script can receive input from stdin,
// or execute commands that return output similar to how popen is used
// This function calls the system command, captures the stdout and return the status
// Return of -1 indicates an error. Else the return code is the return status of the executed command
// ref:
int ExecSystemCmd(const string &str, string &out)
#ifdef _WIN32
// Convert the command to UTF16 to properly handle unicode path names
wchar_t bufUTF16[10000];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), -1, bufUTF16, 10000);
// Create a pipe to capture the stdout from the system command
HANDLE pipeRead, pipeWrite;
secAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
secAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
if( !CreatePipe(&pipeRead, &pipeWrite, &secAttr, 0) )
return -1;
// Start the process for the system command, informing the pipe to
// capture stdout, and also to skip showing the command window
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
si.hStdOutput = pipeWrite;
si.hStdError = pipeWrite;
si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
BOOL success = CreateProcessW(NULL, bufUTF16, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
if( !success )
return -1;
// Run the command until the end, while capturing stdout
// Wait for a while to allow the process to work
DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 50);
// Read from the stdout if there is any data
for (;;)
char buf[1024];
DWORD readCount = 0;
DWORD availCount = 0;
if( !::PeekNamedPipe(pipeRead, NULL, 0, NULL, &availCount, NULL) )
if( availCount == 0 )
if( !::ReadFile(pipeRead, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1 < availCount ? sizeof(buf) - 1 : availCount, &readCount, NULL) || !readCount )
buf[readCount] = 0;
out += buf;
// End the loop if the process finished
if( ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
// Get the return status from the process
DWORD status = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &status);
return status;
// TODO: Implement suppor for ExecSystemCmd(const string &, string&) on non-Windows platforms
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
if( ctx )
ctx->SetException("Oops! This is not yet implemented on non-Windows platforms. Sorry!\n");
return -1;
// This function simply calls the system command and returns the status
// Return of -1 indicates an error. Else the return code is the return status of the executed command
int ExecSystemCmd(const string &str)
// Check if the command line processor is available
if( system(0) == 0 )
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
if( ctx )
ctx->SetException("Command interpreter not available\n");
return -1;
#ifdef _WIN32
// Convert the command to UTF16 to properly handle unicode path names
wchar_t bufUTF16[10000];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), -1, bufUTF16, 10000);
return _wsystem(bufUTF16);
return system(cmd.c_str());
// This function returns the command line arguments that were passed to the script
CScriptArray *GetCommandLineArgs()
if( g_commandLineArgs )
return g_commandLineArgs;
// Obtain a pointer to the engine
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
asIScriptEngine *engine = ctx->GetEngine();
// Create the array object
asITypeInfo *arrayType = engine->GetTypeInfoById(engine->GetTypeIdByDecl("array<string>"));
g_commandLineArgs = CScriptArray::Create(arrayType, (asUINT)0);
// Find the existence of the delimiter in the input string
for( int n = 0; n < g_argc; n++ )
// Add the arg to the array
// Return the array by handle
return g_commandLineArgs;
// This function is called by the engine whenever a context is needed for an
// execution we use it to pool contexts and to attach the debugger if needed.
asIScriptContext *RequestContextCallback(asIScriptEngine *engine, void * /*param*/)
asIScriptContext *ctx = 0;
// Check if there is a free context available in the pool
if( g_ctxPool.size() )
ctx = g_ctxPool.back();
// No free context was available so we'll have to create a new one
ctx = engine->CreateContext();
// Attach the debugger if needed
if( ctx && g_dbg )
// Set the line callback for the debugging
ctx->SetLineCallback(asMETHOD(CDebugger, LineCallback), g_dbg, asCALL_THISCALL);
return ctx;
// This function is called by the engine when the context is no longer in use
void ReturnContextCallback(asIScriptEngine *engine, asIScriptContext *ctx, void * /*param*/)
// We can also check for possible script exceptions here if so desired
// Unprepare the context to free any objects it may still hold (e.g. return value)
// This must be done before making the context available for re-use, as the clean
// up may trigger other script executions, e.g. if a destructor needs to call a function.
// Place the context into the pool for when it will be needed again
void SetWorkDir(const string &file)
// This function is used to allow the user to read the output to the console before exiting
// when the process is initiated from the file explorer on Windows.
void WaitForUser()
#ifdef _WIN32
// Check if the script is initiated directly from the file explorer in which
// case it is necessary to wait for some user input before exiting so the
// user has time to check the compiler error messages.
// Ref:
DWORD parentPid = 0;
DWORD myPid = GetCurrentProcessId();
HANDLE hSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
procEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32W);
// Find the pid of the parent process
Process32FirstW(hSnapShot, &procEntry);
if (myPid == procEntry.th32ProcessID)
parentPid = procEntry.th32ParentProcessID;
} while (Process32NextW(hSnapShot, &procEntry));
// Find the name of the parent process
wstring name;
Process32FirstW(hSnapShot, &procEntry);
if (parentPid == procEntry.th32ProcessID)
name = procEntry.szExeFile;
} while (Process32NextW(hSnapShot, &procEntry));
if (name == L"explorer.exe")
PrintString("\nPress enter to exit\n");
int PragmaCallback(const string &pragmaText, CScriptBuilder &builder, void * /*userParam*/)
asIScriptEngine *engine = builder.GetEngine();
// Filter the pragmaText so only what is of interest remains
// With this the user can add comments and use different whitespaces without affecting the result
asUINT pos = 0;
asUINT length = 0;
string cleanText;
while( pos < pragmaText.size() )
asETokenClass tokenClass = engine->ParseToken(pragmaText.c_str() + pos, 0, &length);
if (tokenClass == asTC_IDENTIFIER || tokenClass == asTC_KEYWORD || tokenClass == asTC_VALUE)
string token = pragmaText.substr(pos, length);
cleanText += " " + token;
if (tokenClass == asTC_UNKNOWN)
return -1;
pos += length;
// Interpret the result
if (cleanText == " debug")
g_doDebug = true;
return 0;
// The #pragma directive was not accepted
return -1;