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2021-04-12 18:25:02 +00:00
// Configuration for AngelScript asrun sample
// Generated with WriteConfigToFile after configuring the engine in asrun
// Engine properties
ep 0 0
ep 1 0
ep 2 1
ep 3 1
ep 4 0
ep 5 0
ep 6 0
ep 7 0
ep 8 0
ep 9 1
ep 10 0
ep 11 1
ep 12 0
ep 13 0
ep 14 2
ep 15 0
ep 16 1
ep 17 0
ep 18 0
ep 19 1
ep 20 0
ep 21 0
ep 22 0
ep 23 0
ep 24 0
ep 25 0
ep 26 1
ep 27 100
// Enums
// Types
access ffffffff
objtype "string" 7938
objtype "array<T>" 69
objtype "dictionaryValue" 1922
objtype "dictionary" 5
objtype "file" 1
objtype "filesystem" 1
objtype "datetime" 6922
funcdef "bool array::less(const T&in, const T&in)"
funcdef "void coroutine(dictionary@)"
// Template type members
objbeh "array<T>" 3 "array<T>@ array(int&in)"
objbeh "array<T>" 3 "array<T>@ array(int&in, uint)"
objbeh "array<T>" 3 "array<T>@ array(int&in, uint, const T&in)"
objbeh "array<T>" 5 "void $beh5()"
objbeh "array<T>" 6 "void $beh6()"
objbeh "array<T>" 9 "int $beh9()"
objbeh "array<T>" 10 "void $beh10()"
objbeh "array<T>" 11 "bool $beh11()"
objbeh "array<T>" 12 "void $beh12(int&in)"
objbeh "array<T>" 13 "void $beh13(int&in)"
//objbeh "array<T>" 8 "bool $beh8(int&in, bool&out)"
objbeh "array<T>" 4 "array<T>@ $beh4(int&in, int&in) { repeat T }"
objmthd "array<T>" "T& opIndex(uint)"
objmthd "array<T>" "const T& opIndex(uint) const"
objmthd "array<T>" "array<T>& opAssign(const array<T>&in)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void insertAt(uint, const T&in)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void insertAt(uint, const array<T>&inout)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void insertLast(const T&in)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void removeAt(uint)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void removeLast()"
objmthd "array<T>" "void removeRange(uint, uint)"
objmthd "array<T>" "uint length() const"
objmthd "array<T>" "void reserve(uint)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void resize(uint)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void sortAsc()"
objmthd "array<T>" "void sortAsc(uint, uint)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void sortDesc()"
objmthd "array<T>" "void sortDesc(uint, uint)"
objmthd "array<T>" "void reverse()"
objmthd "array<T>" "int find(const T&in) const"
objmthd "array<T>" "int find(uint, const T&in) const"
objmthd "array<T>" "int findByRef(const T&in) const"
objmthd "array<T>" "int findByRef(uint, const T&in) const"
objmthd "array<T>" "bool opEquals(const array<T>&in) const"
objmthd "array<T>" "bool isEmpty() const"
objmthd "array<T>" "void sort(array::less&in, uint = 0, uint = uint ( - 1 ))"
objmthd "array<T>" "uint get_length() const"
objmthd "array<T>" "void set_length(uint)"
// Type members
objbeh "string" 2 "void string()"
objbeh "string" 0 "void string()"
objbeh "string" 0 "void string(const string&in)"
objmthd "string" "string& opAssign(const string&in)"
objmthd "string" "string& opAddAssign(const string&in)"
objmthd "string" "bool opEquals(const string&in) const"
objmthd "string" "int opCmp(const string&in) const"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd(const string&in) const"
objmthd "string" "uint length() const"
objmthd "string" "void resize(uint)"
objmthd "string" "uint get_length() const"
objmthd "string" "void set_length(uint)"
objmthd "string" "bool isEmpty() const"
objmthd "string" "uint8& opIndex(uint)"
objmthd "string" "const uint8& opIndex(uint) const"
objmthd "string" "string& opAssign(double)"
objmthd "string" "string& opAddAssign(double)"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd(double) const"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd_r(double) const"
objmthd "string" "string& opAssign(float)"
objmthd "string" "string& opAddAssign(float)"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd(float) const"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd_r(float) const"
objmthd "string" "string& opAssign(int64)"
objmthd "string" "string& opAddAssign(int64)"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd(int64) const"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd_r(int64) const"
objmthd "string" "string& opAssign(uint64)"
objmthd "string" "string& opAddAssign(uint64)"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd(uint64) const"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd_r(uint64) const"
objmthd "string" "string& opAssign(bool)"
objmthd "string" "string& opAddAssign(bool)"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd(bool) const"
objmthd "string" "string opAdd_r(bool) const"
objmthd "string" "string substr(uint = 0, int = - 1) const"
objmthd "string" "int findFirst(const string&in, uint = 0) const"
objmthd "string" "int findFirstOf(const string&in, uint = 0) const"
objmthd "string" "int findFirstNotOf(const string&in, uint = 0) const"
objmthd "string" "int findLast(const string&in, int = - 1) const"
objmthd "string" "int findLastOf(const string&in, int = - 1) const"
objmthd "string" "int findLastNotOf(const string&in, int = - 1) const"
objmthd "string" "void insert(uint, const string&in)"
objmthd "string" "void erase(uint, int = - 1)"
objmthd "string" "array<string>@ split(const string&in) const"
objbeh "dictionaryValue" 2 "void dictionaryValue()"
objbeh "dictionaryValue" 0 "void dictionaryValue()"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "dictionaryValue& opAssign(const dictionaryValue&in)"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "dictionaryValue& opHndlAssign(const ?&in)"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "dictionaryValue& opAssign(const ?&in)"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "dictionaryValue& opAssign(double)"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "dictionaryValue& opAssign(int64)"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "void opCast(?&out)"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "void opConv(?&out)"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "int64 opConv()"
objmthd "dictionaryValue" "double opConv()"
objbeh "dictionary" 3 "dictionary@ dictionary()"
objbeh "dictionary" 5 "void $beh5()"
objbeh "dictionary" 6 "void $beh6()"
objbeh "dictionary" 9 "int $beh9()"
objbeh "dictionary" 10 "void $beh10()"
objbeh "dictionary" 11 "bool $beh11()"
objbeh "dictionary" 12 "void $beh12(int&in)"
objbeh "dictionary" 13 "void $beh13(int&in)"
objbeh "dictionary" 4 "dictionary@ $beh4(int&in) { repeat { string, ? } }"
objmthd "dictionary" "dictionary& opAssign(const dictionary&in)"
objmthd "dictionary" "void set(const string&in, const ?&in)"
objmthd "dictionary" "bool get(const string&in, ?&out) const"
objmthd "dictionary" "void set(const string&in, const int64&in)"
objmthd "dictionary" "bool get(const string&in, int64&out) const"
objmthd "dictionary" "void set(const string&in, const double&in)"
objmthd "dictionary" "bool get(const string&in, double&out) const"
objmthd "dictionary" "bool exists(const string&in) const"
objmthd "dictionary" "bool isEmpty() const"
objmthd "dictionary" "uint getSize() const"
objmthd "dictionary" "bool delete(const string&in)"
objmthd "dictionary" "void deleteAll()"
objmthd "dictionary" "array<string>@ getKeys() const"
objmthd "dictionary" "dictionaryValue& opIndex(const string&in)"
objmthd "dictionary" "const dictionaryValue& opIndex(const string&in) const"
objbeh "file" 3 "file@ file()"
objbeh "file" 5 "void $beh5()"
objbeh "file" 6 "void $beh6()"
objmthd "file" "int open(const string&in, const string&in)"
objmthd "file" "int close()"
objmthd "file" "int getSize() const"
objmthd "file" "bool isEndOfFile() const"
objmthd "file" "string readString(uint)"
objmthd "file" "string readLine()"
objmthd "file" "int64 readInt(uint)"
objmthd "file" "uint64 readUInt(uint)"
objmthd "file" "float readFloat()"
objmthd "file" "double readDouble()"
objmthd "file" "int writeString(const string&in)"
objmthd "file" "int writeInt(int64, uint)"
objmthd "file" "int writeUInt(uint64, uint)"
objmthd "file" "int writeFloat(float)"
objmthd "file" "int writeDouble(double)"
objmthd "file" "int getPos() const"
objmthd "file" "int setPos(int)"
objmthd "file" "int movePos(int)"
objprop "file" "bool mostSignificantByteFirst"
objbeh "filesystem" 3 "filesystem@ filesystem()"
objbeh "filesystem" 5 "void $beh5()"
objbeh "filesystem" 6 "void $beh6()"
objmthd "filesystem" "bool changeCurrentPath(const string&in)"
objmthd "filesystem" "string getCurrentPath() const"
objmthd "filesystem" "array<string>@ getDirs()"
objmthd "filesystem" "array<string>@ getFiles()"
objmthd "filesystem" "bool isDir(const string&in)"
objbeh "datetime" 0 "void datetime()"
objbeh "datetime" 0 "void datetime(const datetime&in)"
objmthd "datetime" "datetime& opAssign(const datetime&in)"
objmthd "datetime" "uint get_year() const"
objmthd "datetime" "uint get_month() const"
objmthd "datetime" "uint get_day() const"
objmthd "datetime" "uint get_hour() const"
objmthd "datetime" "uint get_minute() const"
objmthd "datetime" "uint get_second() const"
// Functions
func "string formatInt(int64, const string&in = \"\", uint = 0)"
func "string formatUInt(uint64, const string&in = \"\", uint = 0)"
func "string formatFloat(double, const string&in = \"\", uint = 0, uint = 0)"
func "int64 parseInt(const string&in, uint = 10, uint&out = 0)"
func "uint64 parseUInt(const string&in, uint = 10, uint&out = 0)"
func "double parseFloat(const string&in, uint&out = 0)"
func "string join(const array<string>&in, const string&in)"
func "void print(const string&in)"
func "string getInput()"
func "array<string>@ getCommandLineArgs()"
func "int exec(const string&in)"
func "void yield()"
func "void createCoRoutine(coroutine@, dictionary@)"
// Properties
// String factory
strfactory "string"
// Default array type