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2021-04-12 18:25:02 +00:00
# Angelscript MingW makefile
# Type 'make' then 'make install' to complete the installation of the library
CXX ?= g++
AR ?= ar
# Debug flags: -ggdb -DAS_DEBUG
# Release flags: -O2
# to exclude the script compiler: -DAS_NO_COMPILER
# to use only generic calling convention: -DAS_MAX_PORTABILITY
SRCDIR = ../../source
OBJDIR = obj
as_atomic.cpp \
as_builder.cpp \
as_bytecode.cpp \
as_callfunc.cpp \
as_callfunc_mips.cpp \
as_callfunc_ppc_64.cpp \
as_callfunc_ppc.cpp \
as_callfunc_sh4.cpp \
as_callfunc_x86.cpp \
as_callfunc_x64_mingw.cpp \
as_compiler.cpp \
as_configgroup.cpp \
as_context.cpp \
as_datatype.cpp \
as_generic.cpp \
as_gc.cpp \
as_globalproperty.cpp \
as_memory.cpp \
as_module.cpp \
as_objecttype.cpp \
as_outputbuffer.cpp \
as_parser.cpp \
as_restore.cpp \
as_scriptcode.cpp \
as_scriptengine.cpp \
as_scriptfunction.cpp \
as_scriptnode.cpp \
as_scriptobject.cpp \
as_string.cpp \
as_string_util.cpp \
as_thread.cpp \
as_tokenizer.cpp \
as_typeinfo.cpp \
as_variablescope.cpp \
OBJ = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(notdir $(SRCNAMES:.cpp=.o)))
BIN = ../../lib/libangelscript.a
OBJ_D = $(subst /,\,$(OBJ))
BIN_D = $(subst /,\,$(BIN))
DELETER = del /f
COPIER = copy /y
INCLUDEFILES_D = ..\..\include\angelscript.h
UNINSTALLFILES_D = $(MINGDIR)\lib\libangelscript.a $(MINGDIR)\include\angelscript.h
all: $(BIN)
$(BIN): $(OBJ)
$(AR) rcs $(BIN) $(OBJ)
@echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo Done. Now type 'make install' to install the library on your MinGW.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
install: $(BIN)
@echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo Angelscript library installed. Enjoy!
@echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo Angelscript library uninstalled.
.PHONY: all clean install uninstall